1.Delete all files in the current directory that do not start with 20111001 and end with bad
rm ls -1 | grep -v ’20111001.*.bad’
2.Change all file names in the current directory from uppercase to lowercase
for each in *; do mv -i $each echo $each|tr A-Z a-z;done
3.wget download website directory
Download the entire website directory
wget -c -r -np -k -L -p http://www.xxx.com/path/
Download the entire website directory+external images or connections
wget -np -nH -r --span-hosts http://www.xxx.com/path/
4.Delete lines in the document that contain specific strings
sed -i '/qwert/d' /path/to/file
Delete file contains lines for qwert from /path/to/file
5.Reverse convert the. db file generated by Postmap to a text configuration file
postalias -s test > testrecover
Note: The first test refers to test.db, so there is no need to input. db
6.Command line shutdown of selinux
setenforce 0
7.View the space occupied by each folder in the root directory (1 layer depth)
du -h --max-depth=1 /
1.Prompt for program copy damage during system installation
Due to verification issues with the installation program certificate, it is necessary to change the system time (to ensure network disconnection)
10.14 date 101112132015
10.15 date 101112132019
1.Traverse the current directory and subdirectories, renaming all files with HTML suffixes as PHP suffixes
for /r . %a in (*.html) do rename %a *.php
2.Copy all PHP suffix files, including subdirectories, from C: \ BAK to D: \ BAK with the same name and suffix as txt
xcopy C:\BAK\*.php D:\BAK\*.txt /s
Turn on and off Windows features
1.Command line startup/shutdown of Windows built-in firewall
netsh firewall set opmode enable
netsh firewall set opmode disable
2.Win7 disable/enable hibernation
powercfg -h off
powercfg -h on
3.Windows Server 2003 turn on/off automatic disk letter allocation
mountvol /e
mountvol /n
4.Win8/2012Enable/disable F8 to enter safe mode
bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard
5.Win8/10/11 Enable/disable testing mode
bcdedit /set testsigning on
bcdedit /set testsigning off
Hyper-V Common commands
Enable Hyper-V virtualization nesting for a virtual machine (VM Name)
1 | Set-VMProcessor -VMName VM-Name -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true |
Disable Hyper-V virtualization nesting for a virtual machine (VM Name)
1 | Set-VMProcessor -VMName VM-Name -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $false |
1.View phone IMEI
2.View phone and battery information (temperature, voltage, etc.)